
Tournament game on Monday- I need to win

@Reti-Gambit I think I will play white after all. You say something sharp for white? The game is tomorrow... Should I stick with the London System as usual, or even some d4 opening with c4 added?
i wouldnt change the opening play what u play
im reti-gambit so dont wonder
I think the smyslov defense is right for you. 3. ... g6 and white to have active play must sacrifice a pawn. I think your opponent does not know the theory. The smyslov defense is dangerous but it is not very popular.
@massimilianoferri I think the Cozio Defense may be safer for black and even more obscure. I do think I am playing white in the game tomorrow but for future games against him I will probably go into the Ruy Lopez.

For tomorrow I'm wondering if I should just play London System and attack him on the kingside or play 1.d4 and then the move c4 either on move two or later.
play london uve got experience i it atatck is the right strategy for a win so just advantages
@FunnyAnimatorJimTV I'm going to second Sirdilly here and say, play an aggressive opening. You need a win so you don't want to go for something drawish.

If you haven't played an aggressive opening then maybe learn one for the purpose of this game. If you want a win something such as the King's gambit or Danish with white would be good. Sure, Queens gambit gives white a slight advantage, and the London gives white an ok position, but it's not the most ambitious try for a win. If you need a win, get aggressive. If he's also a more positional player he might struggle in more aggressive games ;)

I would recommend:

as white: Kings Gambit, Evans Gambit, Blackmar-Diemer, Open Sicilian

I wouldn't main the Blackmar-Diemer in case he does 1...Nf6 but play it if he does the Scandi

Against French or Caro, play the exchange with an immediate c4

As black, either go for a sharp Sicilian (Dragon, Sveshnikov, Najdorf) or if he plays the Ruy go for the Schliemann: 3...f5!

Playing something such as your usual London doesn't give black that much difficulty getting an 'equal' position, and since it's not very aggressive for either side black can usually obtain a draw without too much difficulty.

Just some suggestions, but if you need a win, in my mind playing an aggressive opening is a no brainer.
If you haven't noticed he's never played e4 and he plays d4..., he doesn't really have time to learn any opening

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