
Temporary move storage.

@Flatlander said in #9:
> You seem dismissive because I also pointed out some awkward text. Now without sarcasm I fully appreciate that the main sponsors of lichess are the devs who use it to practice coding. Cash donors would otherwise hardly be able to afford their attention. But it would be bad practice to ignore the Forum. We're like the customers. I've also noticed some page crashes when exploring new lines. But my main issue is still the lack of an opt out. Crashes are obvious. Poor style can linger. For example: Would you like a cookie?

No I was not dismissing your feedback at all. I was poking fun at the way the pane is always nagging the user to make a study on analysis board, so it was a laughing with you kind of thing (not at you). About the "practice coding" thing - don't assume motivations. For example, many contribute to lichess because they actually like to break shit.
> When I'm analyzing a throw away position I use the analysis board so it's annoying to have these positions come back when I'm trying to look at something new.

irjake, I suspect you are not at all alone in that.
There needs to be a way to disable this. It makes the opening explorer unusable to me. If I wanted a study, I'd make a study. That's not how I use the opening explorer.
so only 2 of us like this new feature.. and I spotted some ingrate opinions.

yes lichess is striving to improve in many ways. fear of error will not get you much innovation in general.
That is basic principle of empirical science, there is trial, and there is error.

I for one appreciate the proximity of devs with the users that one would never get from any other site..

This means that they are listening as much as there are human-hours possible. Maybe we are lichess too. Have you thought of that.

Perhaps, it could be a setting in profile, how you like your thought process recorded.

Also to all opinions. could you please be more precise about which analysis context you are referring to. I use this feature in correspondance.

where fast time control games make many games during the day and get all of it recorded, I make many user variations, before sending my move, and would like exactly that all my silly impulsive thoughts be recorded, for later self-diagnosis.

This is how I like to learn or stroll through chess, I am also curious about the cognitive aspect, how much one can record as close as possible to mind's eye sub-conscious thinking (born with lots of noise coming up from there, so i try to make the best of it, and study it).

This is correspondance chess for non experts, variations are the food. (for experts too, they just look at different plethora).

It is quite possible, that analysis windows not in correspondance would not need such retention of thought process... try putting oneself in other usecase. I do. Starting with such a complaining tone is bad for your health (i know i have committed some like that, and it wastes the mood for a bunch of people).

taking some breath, we can examine the lay of the new land... but we (they you, lichess) need information.. which analysis context? each complainer could please help figure that out. where it is wanted and where not.

Me: in correspondance, it is the point for me: record not just my move for post-game analysis, but also which alternative i dismissed for post game hindsight blunder for example. did i dismiss a good move in favor of the blunder, why.. what did i see and evaluated in such a wrong way.. now why did i evaluate wrong, or what...

you(s)? in correspondance also? if not please specify...
This is a dialog between users and generous devs.. I would definitely not complain about that..
@dboing said in #14:
> Also to all opinions. could you please be more precise about which analysis context you are referring to. I use this feature in correspondance.
> you(s)? in correspondance also? if not please specify...

Not correspondence play. I am using the opening explorer. Specially I am going through a book of opening theory and checking how often different variations are played to see what is worth memorizing.

In order to get to the "clear moves" button I have to close the opening book, which is the feature I am trying to use.
@schlawg said in #12:
> irjake, I suspect you are not at all alone in that.

I understand that we should collate all the contextes of user created variations, and what the purpose there is about:
1) thought process or storing deliberation or many variation, or
2) a search for the mainline only.
3) other

FOV, board and variations creation coordination, and navigation within; space limited resource.

perhaps there is a hidden constraint: the space left for new variations. 1 and 2 might both run into tree out of FOV, and that might be the correlated common problem to be solved...


1) profile setting
I know making profile setting might create new problems. but given the size of the lichess population, maybe the conformist pressure for easy maintenance becomes in conflict with the sizeable (we are 2 in this thread) diversity of preferences..

2) collapsible
perhaps a complete package in this new feature would be to pair it with collapsbile lines (like engine PVs can do for same branching point, the root). each branching point could be collapsible to its first move. That is one way to keep the workshop of variations space not too cramped and keep some navigation coordination with the board.

3) conditional pre-move mutant
another way, would be to create a parking lot exchangeable with the user variation tree, (now there is only a one way ancestor to that the conditional pre-moves, making a passive ordering preserving not to be sent as pre-move version, and reimportable to active user variation tree). would allow keeping both the active workspace in current FOV, and not lose backburner hypotheses, or alternate variations or even things to explore later).

4) PGN file export/reimport at any time of subtree with FEN of its mainline root

how humans go about exploring the tree might be very personal.

sometimes just adding a new feature might need some pairing with other new features to become acceptable to the many.. we could all progress toward adapting to the many walks of chess..... lichess population is big., we don't need to tailor all features to the peak of the normal distribution (says the outlier).
Here's the deal. RE disabling in preferences, or analysis hamburger menu. There is extreme, extreme reluctance to create a new setting for every added change.

So it's all about convincing lichess it's needed. LOG AN ISSUE.

I will not do that for you. I'm not opposed to a new setting here and that has already been communicated and is known, so it would be redundant and obstinate for me to create that issue. A well reasoned and concise illustration of how it negatively affects some analysis workflows such as @winstratus provided above, but in github, could be the difference. Or at least a start.
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