
On the once only phenomenon that is the United States of America.

And it is.
Virtually every race on the planet all living cheek-by-jowl.
And basically getting along.
Without that ,this world would most certainly be an evil place for humans.
American history is stunning...forget the penny-dreadfuls about the so-called "Wild West". Never any such thing happened.
But the stunningly most powerful nation that this planet will ever see kind of happened.
Even adjusted for time, America far outstrips even Rome in extra-border total influence.
Just accept the pax americani and live safe from those who seek to kill you in order only to enrich themselves.
In what parameters do you compare the ancient Roman empire to the USA?
I assume you mean the ancient Romans, at the height of it's power ? and not the Byzantine Empire?
What is your definition of evil?
Why did you said "will ever see"? The future isn't history yet. I personally still think, that the former free imperial city of Ulm, has a fair chance for world supremacy.
But you say, we should all become slaves to the corporate America?
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #2:
> In what parameters do you compare the ancient Roman empire to the USA?
> I assume you mean the ancient Romans, at the height of it's power ? and not the Byzantine Empire?
> What is your definition of evil?
> Why did you said "will ever see"? The future isn't history yet. I personally still think, that the former free imperial city of Ulm, has a fair chance for world supremacy.
> But you say, we should all become slaves to the corporate America?

If I meant the byzantine empire I would have said that. Dumb question on your behalf.
Don't put words in my my mouth please little boy.
@obladie said in #3:
> If I meant the byzantine empire I would have said that. Dumb question on your behalf.
Perhaps you would?, but not everyone does.
What about my other questions? Don't they get any answers?

> Don't put words in my my mouth please little boy.
I didn't, I ended my last question with a question mark. Not my fault you wrote a gibberish post.
I just wanted some clarifications, as to what on earth you are talking about?
(And incidentally it's not likely that any more words would fit in there.)
What nonsense is this?
Roman Empire is literally the best and one of strongest empire of world and you are comparing it with USA!
Wars with people they are united states with, or without, is what THIS little bunny is wondering.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #6:
> What nonsense is this?
> Roman Empire is literally the best and one of strongest empire of world and you are comparing it with USA!
You're right - they never even began to hold a candle to America's strength, influence and wealth.
@obladie said in #3:
> If I meant the byzantine empire I would have said that. Dumb question on your behalf.
> Don't put words in my my mouth please little boy.
They're both literally the roman empire - the eastern portion never went by any other name during its existence.

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