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no, YOU suck.

If you'd have looked through the threads, you would have seen that the site has got some bigger updates lately and that this has been causing some problems. Thibault is working on it.

Until then chill out and switch back to porn.
Why is it that the reply to every compliant is go and watch porn or you have a lot of porn on your system?

Are you developing porn sites as well?
"Porn" is just a general example of how to complain about complaints.

Maybe the original complaints just weren't getting anywhere.

Can't always be 100% serious all the time. :)
By the way, I told a work mate about the issue, and he suggested an interresting way to fix it.
So I've applied it, let's hope it will work.
*crosses fingers*

And hey, even if it doesn't work

At least I've got my fat-man jellybean doughnuts!

*chomp* *CHOMP* *munch*
Well, obviously the site does *not suck*

A few porn pinups might help balance out the higher rankers. A serious case for distraction.
lol, there's a chance those might actually make my rating go up instead, but I wouldn't count on it...

It will at least help me get notions of mercy and kindness off of my mind from distracting me from destroying somebody in a position, since it's hard to feel those things in simultaneity with sex xD
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