
Search "user:AllTheKingsPieces"

20 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Sound for "You are playing" message (in tournaments)#1

Is it possible to add a sound to the message "You are playing!, Join the Game" that sometimes appear when playing a tournament ? The sound comes up normally when the board appears with a new game, but…

General Chess Discussion - dudas ante un jaque#2

El rey *NO PUEDE* estar en jaque, ni tampoco podrá pasar a través de casillas que estén bajo ataque por parte de las piezas enemigas. El enroque es también ilegal si pusiera al rey en jaque. Sin embar…

General Chess Discussion - Do you report often ?#1

Every few U1600 tournaments I discover that the winner (and if not the winner, the second or third), upon watching the list of his games, is a player (usually new) that resigns a LOT after one or two …

Lichess Feedback - Fah_Q#4

"The forum is not the right place for this kind of topic. The player in question should contact lichess directly to talk about the issue." And who are you to say that I can't ask a valid question on t…

Lichess Feedback - Fah_Q#1

Are you sure about this guy ? to me he seems legit, please enlighten me Watching his games I don't see sandbagging and/or machine help

General Chess Discussion - More U1600 and U1800 tournaments?#10

I agree with adding U1800

Lichess Feedback - U<rating-here> tournaments#8

Well, I just couldn't enter a U1600 classical because "Top monthly Classical rating (1601) is too high" Yup.. 1601 = 1600 + 1 = 1600 + One. ONE. lol

Lichess Feedback - U<rating-here> tournaments#5

Can't say anything about limiting weaker opponents yet, not in my worries list right now, and maybe never will be lol. Having U1600, U1800, U2000 sounds good enough, I agree with bulletmark, no need f…

Lichess Feedback - U<rating-here> tournaments#1

It's great to have U1600 and U2000 tournaments, thanks lichess for that :) Now, at the risk of me being annoying, wouldn't it be great to have also U1700, U1800, U1900 ? This way, once my rating goes …
