
Search "user:claymore"

169 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - The -500 +500 Rating Range Is Already Getting Very Annoying, Can We Please Change It?#16

Someone mentioned , but I don't see any explanation there, despite the opportunity. Anyway, I think this the first time lichess has made a change that …

Lichess Feedback - Simul not appearing on front page#8

I believe there's a rating requirement now for getting simuls on the front page. I did one or two a while ago, and got plenty of players. The last one, I couldn't get any. I can't remember the reason …

General Chess Discussion - Slav or QGD - Debate Forum!#54

My vote is for the QGA. When my opponent offers me a pawn, I take it... and try to hold on to it. It makes for more exciting games!

General Chess Discussion - highest puzzle rating on lichess#4

Good question, but I wouldn't put too much value on these ratings. I've seen some very strong players with comparatively low puzzle ratings.

General Chess Discussion - i indirectly defeated magnus carlsen.... wow#14

I have a couple of 3's... a win against @hiimgosu (chessbrah), who beat @feeglood, who beat Magnus. And a win against @Elda64, who beat @penguingim1, who's beaten Magnus. I don't immediately see any s…

General Chess Discussion - Opinions on takebacks on obvious mouseslips #24

If you're premoving in bullet, it's generally either because the opponent's move is fairly obvious, or your time is so low that it doesn't really matter what you play. Actually, I suppose I would prem…

Off-Topic Discussion - Are there for you advantages or disadvantages by playing chess?#22


General Chess Discussion - 70% win rate as black in the Falkbeer Countergambit. Try it out before the devs nerf it.#2

What's equally astonishing is the number of players that fail to capitalise, and play dxe4 instead of Qh4+. Almost as many are playing dxe4!

General Chess Discussion - Opinions on takebacks on obvious mouseslips #22

I'll always give takebacks in casual games. In rated... maybe occasionally, for very obvious slips. Mouse slips that is, not brain slips.

General Chess Discussion - What variation do you play against the Ruy Lòpez?#4

I avoid it by playing 1...c5! But if I didn't... I would probably play the Schliemann Defence: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 f5
