
Interchangeable icons

@mysterious_expert All we want is the ultra logo to be changed, or at least have an option (yes that'd get messy and we don't want others to come up with their requests to have this and that.). There are two reasons (1st one being more important, and the 2nd one being less important, because opinion on looks differ from person to person.):
1. The bullet and ultra icons are less distinguishable than before (particularly in the lobbies)
2. The cursor was symbolic and looked nicer.
It's better than before IMO! but the option to change it would be even better, or the userstyle. @tors42 if such a thing existed would it work for everywhere the logo appeared and on all devices, do you know?
#64 @CalbernandHowbe The userstyle script should work fine, as long as it is programmed properly. The only problem I see with that option is that you need to install an extension, which is not what I (and many more people), would not like due to reasons. But if that's the only way to go about this issue, I'd appreciate if someone made it (although I won't use it myself).
"The bullet and ultra icons are less distinguishable than before (particularly in the lobbies)"
Well,i have to oppose a little bit.It is possible to to select matches in the lobby looking at time control instead of bullet and ultrabullet icons that might seem too similar.Once again,it is only up to Lichess developers,whether they change it or not.Personally,I like new bullet and ultrabullet icons.And since I don't play a lot of ultrabullet,the icon does not hurt me at all :)
The ultra bullet logo looks like a bullet logo... while the previous UB logo symbolises a mouseclick which is faster than a bullet
you guys can't possibly be serious and i can't be the only one who thinks this thread is completely laughable. i'm baffled by the fact people are actually bothering thibault because of something like THIS.

i love the new icons and i don't think thibault should clutter the settings more every single time he slightly changes anything.
I shall leave the thread now. Nothing's going to change with the amount of support we currently have, and the number of people who are against this. Thanks for listening to my opinions!

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